Testweek – part 1

Yes! My math test turned out easy! (As far as that is possible, boring stuff, really.) Only seven more tests to go. As you might know, if you follow me on twitter, History and Computer Science are up next. History is quite the boring story about the founding of Israel, and all the wars around it. True, wars can be really fun to delve into, but this is just a list of the different conflicts, not even chronological. Thank you, History Teacher.

Computer Science on the other hand, is quite a fun story. There had to be a test for it this week (as it is the official testweek for VWO5, VWO6 and HAVO5), but the amount of stuff we covered is minimal. So in the end, we’ll have 100 minutes for a test that will take 30 minutes at max. And then there’s even the fact that it’s not even all that much computer-related, and more about projects in general.

Anyway, after today’s test, where everyone was quite exhausted already (100 minutes in a room full of hard-working people will get quite warm!), we had to wait 20 minutes for a bit of explanation about the last day of our PE, so genially named PE-endday. As it turned out, those 20 minutes became almost 40, and the “short” story they had to tell ended up being just as long as the wait. Way to go, school!

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